February 2021 — Grounding My Rhythm

Sheila Adufutse
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

So….. I am here and I am present and I am full.

Yesterday, my probation ended and I must say it has been a fulfilling 3-month ride. I am grateful for the mind and body that carries this soul. Now more than ever, I feel a sense of clarity in my desires and I cant wait till I have the right language to paint the picture in beautiful words. The ride has been joyous yet daunting but the universe has been kind. The forces has been in my favour even when it did not feel so.

The past month was about finding my flow — and that looked like creating a system that will help me do what is required and make me useful to myself first and then to my work and others. The process was revealed how hard it is to let go off unhelpful habits and build ones that will contribute positively to my everyday life.

It has been a battle. I have cried. My hormones have taken me on a ride but I am here and still thriving in the best way I can. I have managed to build (still building actually) a morning routine that sets the right tone for the day for me. It fuels me with so much zeal and positivity which which translates to a lighter and productive Sheila. Having that healthy routine has kept me focused and encouraged.

For this new month I am looking to do two things:

a. Ground these processes that set the tone for January. I will be more disciplined and set rules for myself to follow.

b. Listen to my mind and body more. Talk softly to my mind and be more gentle with body.

The theme for my 2021 is to TAKE MYSELF SERIOUS and it encompasses all these.

Maybe this is sort of my subtle accountability system to help me take stock of what happens every month in a less detailed way… of course lol.

here is Charlie, my cat — being adorable. His nuisance isn’t on display here lol

I wish you warmth that makes you hold yourself together like Charlie.

We will meet again… soon.

